Well if there is one thing that the BCS has done for us, it has shown us all once again why politicians and those who hold office can be so damn dumb.
Last week it was reported that Florida Congressman Cliff Stearns had asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to suspend a vote so that he could attend the BCS title game between Florida and Oklahoma. Among the issues to be voted on was the certification of the Electoral Vote confirming Barack Obama will be the 44th President. Pelosi declined the request.
While Stearns jumped out in the early lead for the 2009 biggest political ass award in sports, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff is using his power (and the state's resources) to investigate whether or not the BCS violates anti-trust laws.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................WHAT THE F*CK?!?!?!
We have economic fears, increased unemployment and yet the most powerful attorney in Utah is concerned that the BCS may be screwing over Utah? You're kidding me right? Was thinking not required where you went to law school?
Shurtleff defended his invesitgation by saying:
"The University of Utah and some other NCAA Division I-A schools in Utah are taxpayer funded institutions and I have a duty to protect and defend them against violations of the law,"
(Please refer to my comments above)
Now I know that Shurtleff would not be resolving the economic issues facing this nation if he were not investigating the BCS, but that doesn't change the fact that he is making Arlen Specter seem less and less moronic and petty--um, not really--nor do they like to see their politicians and other government officials working on issues that have no bearing on the real problems facing the public.
Maybe Lamar Alexander can open an investigation into why there wasn't a penalty called against Baltimore for delay of game on the same play in which they converted a huge third down. Boy, that would allay all of my fears.
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