You may remember last week when UMaine kicker Chris Genarro's blog was highlighted here on the CMSB. Well, Chris has a new blog entry up, and he devotes a paragraph or so to us. The highlight was not the shout-out, or the fact that he mentions we have had Mel Kiper, Jr on as a guest, or his interactions with Jovan Belcher, but the fact he mentions that his blog's Facebook Fan Site has more fans than ours. An excerpt...
"I can respect that they were trying to get the word out about my blog but whose blog is really more popular? According to Facebook, which everyone knows is the answer to the meaning of life, I am more popular. I have 51 fans to CMSB's 30 fans. So in light of this recent discovery I think it would be fitting to give a shout-out to the excellent, well-done, creative, professional, informational but less popular CMSB. Hopefully this might get you a couple more fans."
Well played Chris Gennaro, well played.
We have also added Chris's blog to the "Friends and Lovers" section over on the right, as requested, so be sure to check it out often, because UMaine football will be here before you know it. (The CMSB will also be at Maine's spring game on May 2nd at 10 AM, which I would suggest many people attend. There is a slot machine place in Bangor now and all, if you needed another excuse to watch college football in May)
Oh and for the love of god become a fan of the CMSB on Facebook. We can't be getting verbally b*tch slapped by a kicker.
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