As an avid Mets, Jets and Bruins fan, I have had more than my share of painful loses, embarrassing gaffs and infuriating moments. The Jets have won nothing in my lifetime and the same can be said for the Bruins. The Mets, of all teams, have given me one, count em' one, stinking championship. This, of course, is dwarfed by what is the circus posing as a baseball team in Flushing which almost obliviates said championship. Certainly Clemens beaning Piazza in the head, then Sean Estes missing Clemens entirely during interleague at Shea definitely does. On the bright side, the 1986 Mets are the coolest baseball team of all time, and that I can live with.
I take great pride and hope in the futility of my favorite teams. How can one man be subjected to the kind torture and embarrassment that these teams have bestowed on me and still be optimistic and happy to love these teams? Simple. Pain makes you a real fan. It's very easy to go buy your girlfriend's pink Sawx hat as you stroll down Lansdowne street in your Pedroia jersey as you incessently yell "Yooouuuuuukkk". There is no honor in that. It's just too easy. Ask your dad about what it means to be a Sawx fan, a real Sawx fan. 86 years of pain, that's what it means. All those crusty old bastards in northern New England have been in a bad mood since 1918 and by god no couple of rings is going to take that away from them.
The Patriots are the best organization in football. Tom Brady is the poster child for squeaky clean looks, manners and a winner (we will just ignore the other kid in LA and his single mother, that doesn't fit in with the image.). Bill Belichick is a genius.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
The New York Jets have a history that includes Rich Kotite, Pete Carrol, Lou Holtz and Herm Edwards. These are quite possibly 4 of the worst coaching tenures of all time in the NFL. We've passed on Dan Marino (drafted Ken O'Brien), Warren Sapp (drafted Kyle Brady), they've drafted guys like Johnny Lamb Jones, Roger Vick (a FB!!!!) in the first round, just to name a few. The Jets have not won a playoff game since 2005 and a Superbowl since 1969.
This is why the Pats have no chance. I have stored up so much bad luck, pain and agony, there is no way the Pats can possibly overcome the credit I have amassed as a sports fan. This year's Jets are motivated by a coach that no doubt would love to fight Belichick in a bare knuckle brawl. His players will follow suit. It's not even about X's and O's, it's about being a real fan and being rewarded with the ultimate high, winning when you're not supposed to. Sunday will be one of those days, those moments, when putting up with all the crap, all the jokes and humiliations will be worth it.
Of course the Pats could win 35-3. That's OK, it will just add to my fandom street cred. And in this I take the most comfort, because they can't beat me.
Javier Gorriti, UMaine Black Bear from 1994-1998, is a frequent contributor to the CMSB and the PM JAB with Chris Sedenka. He is the president of Mermaid Seafoods in Portland ME. and has been working and living in Maine over the past 5 years. He can be reached at javier_gorriti at hotmail.com
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