Portland Pirates owner Brian Petrovek sat down with the Albany Times Union (which is funny considering he dodged the Big Jab like the plague 2 weeks ago) last week and wouldn't talk about moving to Albany specifically, but did manage to fire off a quotable about the negotiations over CX4.
"We have made multiple attempts to find ways to get skin in the game," Petrovek said. "The county (Cumberland County in Maine) hasn't been able to make the investments. We've looked into buying the building, managing the building, a whole bunch of different hybrids, to try to get us to where we have a building that has state-of-the-art amenities for our fans and our players, and that's fallen short."
So the Pirates have looked into buying the building, and nothing has come of it? Cumberland County could use the money, right? Am I missing something here? Between this and some of the back channel rumblings I have heard, I am putting the odds of the Pirates being here next season at less then 35%. Until I see someting otherwise, things aren't looking good.
Pirates Owner Talks About Moving:Albany Times-Union
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